TKD News Feb. 2012
Riann competed in the US Open Taekwondo Championship held at the Las Vegas Hilton, NV, Her division of age group 12-13 Female Cadet had 38 competitors, participants came from all over the US and different countries including Canada, Australia, Mexico and Korea.
There were 3 rounds for the competition, The Elimination round, where they will eliminate 50% of the competitors, Semi Final round, where they will pick the 8 finalist, and Final round where they pick the top 4 competitors. Riann was able to win both elimination and the semi final round and ending up with the highest scores for both rounds, In the Finals she lost out for quest for Gold to the Jr. member of the m-team by just .07 of a point. ending up with a Silver Medal. it was Riann's first ever US Open competition and it gave her a really good experience. as parents we are very very proud of her achievement, she had worked very hard to reach to this level. |